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Could This Really Help Women Live Longer


A new study led by a University of California, Berkeley, researcher could give women just a little more motivation to go to the dentist much more frequently. The study suggests that ladies who get dental treatment diminish their danger of coronary heart attacks, stroke, along with other cardiovascular issues by at least one-third.

The analysis, which made use of material from nearly 7000 people aged 44 to 88 years old enrolled in the Health and Retirement study, did not locate a comparable benefit for men. Video--where to get dentures downey ca

The study, published recently in the journal Health Economics, compared those who visited the dentiststhat fulfilled dental appointmentst throughout the previous 2 years with those who didn't. ““Many studies have found associations between dental care and cardiovascular disease, but our study is the first to show that general dental care leads to fewer heart attacks, strokes, and other adverse cardiovascular outcomes in a causal way,” announced study lead author Timothy Brown, assistant adjunct professor of health policy and management at UC Berkeley’s School of Public Health.

Data from the health and Retirement study had been collected every 2 years from 1996 to 2004. This longitudinal study followed the same people over time, and every biennial survey integrated questions on regardless of whether subjects had visited the dentist and regardless of whether they had experienced a heart attack, stroke, angina, or congestive heart failure in the course of the prior 2 years. Deaths from heart attacks or strokes also were included within the analysis. The study took into account other risks factors, for example alcohol and tobacco use, high blood pressure, and body mass index. Where to get dentures Downey Ca click video

The study authors advise that for dental|The authors of the study make clear|It is revealed by the authors of the study that for dental} treatment to have a protective effect, it ought to occur early within the development of cardiovascular illness. The researchers did not have data on the kind of procedures used throughout the dental visits, however they did note that 3/4 of visits to the dentists by older adults include preventive services, for example cleaning and fluoride and sealant treatments. Get Dentures Downey Ca-video

Downey Ca.Try These Awesome Tips For A Great Smile


Try These Awesome Tips For A Great Smile

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If you've heard bad things about teeth whitening, like that it's painful, or takes too much time and money, then you should throw away any misconceptions that you have. Because if you do it properly, whitening your teeth is easier and faster than you might think. This article will guide you through it with several simple tips and methods.

While some advocates of home remedies to whiten teeth recommend making toothpaste from mashed strawberries and baking soda, this can actually be detrimental to your teeth. Strawberries contain malic acid, which can whiten your teeth. However, the flip side is that it can also erode the enamel. Strawberries also contain natural sugars that can harm the teeth. A much safer alternative is to eat an apple. If you don't have a toothbrush on hand, an apple can help to remove surface stains and break down any remaining food particles in the mouth. Apples also contain a small amount of malic acid, but you would have to eat an unrealistic amount of them for it to do any damage.

Save yourself time and money by whitening your teeth with natural home remedies rather than buying expensive treatments that frequently provide the same results. Try making toothpaste from a crushed strawberry and some baking soda. The malic acid in strawberries acts as a natural tooth whitener. Another option is to make a paste using water and activated charcoal. Use gauze to rub it on your teeth rather than a toothbrush, and make sure to rinse thoroughly. Lemon juice also acts as a whitening agent. However, use this technique only occasionally, as the juice is acidic and can damage the enamel on your teeth if applied frequently.

For whiter teeth at home, try doing a baking soda brushing once a week. This helps remove stains and it helps whiten your teeth. Brush like you would with toothpaste, but you replace the toothpaste with the baking soda. You can use it as an alternative to toothpaste too. If it irritates gums, try using salt.

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You'll be amazed at how great you'll feel about yourself after getting a gorgeous smile through teeth whitening. Not only will you get a huge boost in self confidence, you'll be able to enjoy life without being held back by an embarrassing smile. Apply these tips to get a great set of clean, white teeth.
